
Darllen yn Gymraeg


By proceeding with your booking, you are deemed to have accepted the following terms and conditions for the hire of the hall

Section 1
General Terms and Conditions of Hire

Agreements between the Trustees of New Quay Memorial Hall (NQMH) and the hirer for the hire of the Hall or any part thereof (“the Hall”) are subject to the General Terms and Conditions in Section 1 as well as all relevant Additional Terms and Conditions in Section 2.

Undertaking of the Hirer

The Hirer undertakes to ensure that they have an understanding of the Hire Conditions for the time being in force.

Supervision by the Hirer

The Hirer undertakes to be present, or arrange for sufficient adult representatives to be present, throughout the hiring to ensure compliance with the provisions and stipulations contained or referred to in these Hire Conditions and any relevant licenses.

Responsibility of the Hirer

The Hirer shall be responsible during the period of hire for:-

  • Being familiar with, and complying with, the guides provided for the use of the Hall
  • Ensuring that the Hall is kept secure for the duration of the hire
  • Ensuring that the purpose and conduct of the hire does not disrupt the use of any other room hired by other persons.
  • Ensuring that the Premises (including foyer, kitchen, kitchen appliances and toilets as appropriate) are left clean and tidy with rubbish removed from the site at the end of the hire.
  • Ensuring that all equipment, chairs and tables have been returned to their storage positions safely, the Hall cleared of people, all lights switched off, and the building secured, except for any facilities or room or public area in use by another continuing hire.
  • Ensuring that any temporary fittings and fixtures comply with Health and Safety guidance, and in particular ensuring that any decorations used are not a fire hazard
  • Not stick anything on walls using any type of adhesive.
  • Ensuring that any equipment or electrical appliances brought onto the site by arrangement and used there shall be certified safe and in good working order, and used in a safe manner.
  • Ensuring that NO animals whatsoever enter the kitchen at any time.
  • Ensuring that no Barbecues, LPG appliances or highly flammable substances are brought into the Hall.

Events license

If the event will involve licencable activities including alcohol sales, live music etc, the following applies:

  • The hirer may need to contact Ceredigion County Council to apply for a Temporary events notice (TEN). Once this has been issued NQMH will require a copy of this. A Temporary events notice needs to be applied for at least 6 weeks before the event.
  • If you are using the hall as a licenced premises and you have your own licence, you must provide NQMH with a copy of this license when booking.
  • It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure compliance with licensing laws.

Additional Insurance 

If your activity is a business use, or involves a higher than usual risk, you may be asked to produce an insurance certificate showing you have current public liability insurance cover of at least £5 million, employers liability insurance cover of £10 million (if applicable) and if providing advice, professional indemnity cover of £2 million. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure adequate insurance is in place.

Cleaning and Rubbish

The hall operates a LEAVE IT AS YOU FIND IT policy to reduce cleaning costs.

The hirer is responsible for doing a full clean of all facilities used, at the end of the event, including floors and toilets.

  • Use the red mop & bucket for toilets, kitchen.
  • For any other surfaces use the blue mop and bucket.
  • Use the floor sweepers on solid floors.
  • A vacuum cleaner can be made available for carpeted areas.

The hirer must immediately clean and make safe any spills during the event.

If animals are present, the hirer must ensure that a full clean and chemical sanitisation is done if accidents occur.

Hirers will need to take any rubbish from the event away with them.

Food and Drink

If you intend to have refreshments, please bring them as prepared as possible, to minimise kitchen use.

Cancellation and Payment terms

Unless agreed in advance, all booking fees and deposits must be paid in full before the booking can be confirmed.In the event of a payment failing or being cancelled after confirmation, the booking will be cancelled without notice.

A deposit is usually required to make a booking. This is to cover any damage during the hire period or if the hirer cancels the booking without due notice.

If the hall is not left in an acceptable state, deductions will be made before a deposit is returned.

Cancellation by the Hirer

If the Hirer cancels the booking before the date of the event and the Hall is unable to conclude a replacement booking, the Hall may, at their discretion, require a further payment of hire fees or will retain the deposit. This is to cover additional cleaning and preparation for an event.

Cancellation by the Hall

The Hall reserves the right to cancel a hiring by giving four weeks written notice to the Hirer, Shorter notice may be given in the event of a national emergency, force majeur that requires the Premises to be closed, or of the Hall is required for use as a Polling Station for Parliamentary or Local Government elections, by-elections or a referendum

Fire Safety

The Hirer shall:

  • Read the document Fire safety briefing for Hall Hirers and comply with the instructions in it.
  • Prior to the start of an event carry out a fire safety briefing to persons attending the event.
  • Ensure that the “Emergency Exit” signs are kept illuminated.
  • Ensure that the Fire Brigade is called to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details given to the Hall as soon as available.
  • Ensure that all fire exits in the hall are kept clear at all times. Ensure that the relevant hall lobby and foyer entrances are not blocked with items such as buggies, wheelchairs or mobile scooters.

Use of Premises

The Hirer shall not:-

  • Sub-let or use the Hall for any purpose other than that described in their booking agreement.
  • Use the premises or allow the Hall to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way
  • Do anything, or bring onto the Hall anything which may endanger the Hall or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof
  • Do anything, or bring onto the Hall anything which may bring the hall, its trustees or its employees into disrepute.
  • Allow the use of drugs on any part of the Premises
  • Allow smoking or vaping in the Hall, or in the vicinity of the entrances.

Car Parking

Limited public parking available Vehicles are parked at owner’s risk. The space at the front of the Hall is reserved for emergency vehicle use, access for mobility scooters and may be used temporarily for unloading.

Compliance with legislation relating to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

The Hirer shall ensure that any activities at the Premises for children or vulnerable adults comply with current legislation in that regard and that only fit and proper persons have access to children or vulnerable adults. Compliance with current legislation and best practices is the responsibility of the hirer.


The hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified each of the Trustees of the Hall and their employees, volunteers, agents and invitees against:

  • The cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the Hall including the curtilage thereof or the contents of the Hall.
  • Against all actions, claims, and costs of proceedings arising from any breach of the Hall Conditions.
  • All claims in respect of damages, including damage for loss of property or injury to persons, arising as a result of the use of the Hall (including the storage of equipment) by the Hirer.

As directed by the Hall, the Hirer shall make good or pay for all damage (including accidental damage) to the Hall or to the fixtures, fittings or contents and for loss of contents.


The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that any company or operator hired to bring items such as catering equipment, electrical equipment, bouncy castles, staging and gantries etc. into the Hall has relevant and appropriate insurance, which shall include public liability insurance.

Commercial hirers must provide Public Liability insurance (£5,000,000 minimum indemnity).

All activities / food/ food-preparation / alcohol supply / security / etc are at hirers own risk.

Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to an authorised representative of the Hall as soon as possible, and complete the relevant section in the Hall’s Accident Book. The hirer shall ensure the appropriate medical assistance is sought, or an ambulance is called.

Any failure of equipment, either belonging to the Hall, or brought in by the Hirer must also be reported as soon as possible.

The Hirer must carry out their own risk assessment for their activities, this should include suitability and safety of the the Hall and it’s resources. Any concerns must be reported as soon as possible.

Stored equipment

The Hall accepts no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought onto or left at the Hall and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded. All equipment and other property, other than that stored on the premises by agreement, must be removed at the end of each hiring or storage period. The Hall may dispose of any such items 7 days thereafter at its discretion.

No alterations permitted

No Blu-tack, drawing pins, adhesive tape or similar may be used on walls, partitions, notice boards or fixtures.

No other alterations or additions may be made to the Hall, and no fixtures may be installed, or placards, or other articles be attached in any way to any part of the Premises without the prior written approval of the Hall. The Hirer must make good to the satisfaction of the Hall any damage caused to the Hall by such removal.

Section 2
Additional Terms and Conditions of Hire

In addition to the General Terms and Conditions of Hire in Section 1, the following additional conditions may apply if these facilities are used.

Please note, you are only permitted to use facilities noted on your booking confirmation. Use of facilities, permitted or otherwise, will indicate acceptance of these additional conditions.

Balcony area

Stairways must be kept clear of any obstruction including the floor area below the stairs.

Children are to be supervised in the balcony area at all times. No unaccompanied children permitted in balcony area.

Leaning on, climbing on or over the balcony is not permitted at any time.

Stage Area

The stage curtains are to be kept closed at all times except when the stage is to be used for an event.

Use of the stage area must be pre-arranged when booking an event.

Unaccompanied children are not permitted to use the stage, an adult must be supervising a child / children at all times.

Any sound / lighting / other electrical equipment used must have had a recent safety inspection by a qualified person.

Any equipment installed onto the stage must be agreed with the Hall management in advance of an event.

Smoke machines are not to be used on the stage or in any part of the Hall due to fire safety restrictions and smoke alarms.

Refreshment Area and Kitchen

All breakages must be notified to NQMH to whether caused by the hirer or discovered during the hire period.

The hirer must bring their own consumable items and not use any consumable found on arrival.

At the end of the event, all equipment used must be thoroughly cleaned and returned to where they were found.

All fridges, kettles, water heaters, cookers etc. must be emptied and turned off at the power outlet at the end of the event.

Fridge doors should be left slightly ajar.

Cookers and hobs are not to be left unattended when in use.


These Terms and Conditions will have been made available to the Hirer at the time of making the booking. By proceeding with the booking the Hirer is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

Signature of hall hirer, or their authorised representative

Date: ____ / ____ / ______